Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mgnrega(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee...

Introduction Poverty in India is one of the main issues, attracting the attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for a comfortable lifestyle. Though India boasts of a high economic growth, it is shameful that there is still large scale poverty in India. Poverty in India can be defined as a situation when a certain section of people are unable to fulfill their basic needs. India has the worlds largest number of poor people living in a single country. Out of its total population of more than 1 billion, 350 to 400 million people are living below the poverty line. Nearly 75% of the poor people are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, landless†¦show more content†¦NREGA is designed as a safety net to reduce migration by rural poor households in the lean period through a hundred days of guaranteed unskilled manual labour provided when demanded at minimum wage on works focused on water conservation, land development drought proofing. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (NREGA) was notified on September 7, 2005. Implemented by the Ministry ofShow MoreRelatedUnorganised Labour in India1415 Words   |  6 Pagescasual nature of employment, ignorance and illiteracy. Trends in Employment in Organised and Unorganised Sectors in India The table below explains the extent of workforce in the organised and unorganised sectors, and their changes over time. The share of organised workforce was about 8.per cent by 1983, which declined to 7.54 per cent by 2004-2005. The corresponding share of unorganized workforce was about 92.07 per cent by 1983, which increased to 92.46 per cent by 2004-2005 Year Organised Sector

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ocean Pollution Essay - 2574 Words

Ocean Pollution â€Å"Over 80% of marine pollution comes from land-based activities† (WWF, May 4, 2006, p.1). The rest comes from ocean-based activities. Different types of pollution enter the ocean each year. The major pollutants are oil, toxic materials, and debris. These materials not only pollute the ocean, but they also affect the marine life. Before the 1970s there were no laws to prevent and stop people from dumping pollutants into the ocean. Since the early 1970s many laws and regulations have been passed to help protect the ocean. People have set up organizations. These organizations go as far to have beach clean ups and offer several tips for people to do their homes that will help keep the ocean clean. Ocean pollution is†¦show more content†¦This happens all the time. Exhaust from all vehicles goes into the atmosphere. It comes back down as rain or snow and is washed out to the ocean. Another major source of transportation of oil pollution is sm all boats and jet skis. According to Farrington these account for 2.2% of oil pollution in North American oceans. Toxic materials are another source of ocean pollution. The first types of toxic chemicals that end up in the ocean are fertilizers, pesticides, and manure. Fertilizers that are used for farm and lawn care are a problem for coastal areas. The fertilizer gets to the ocean from runoff. Eutrophication is caused when the nutrients from the fertilizer gets into the ocean. It is the flourishing of algal blooms that deplete the water’s dissolved oxygen and suffocate marine life. This Ocean Pollution 6 has created spots in the ocean where there is no animal life. Pesticides are another problem for the ocean. It enters the ocean the same way that the fertilizers do, through run off. It also comes from farms and lawns. They can also reach the ocean when a plane flies to apply the pesticides to fields. This is known as spray drift. Pesticides are used to kill insects, but it is also toxic for fish and birds. According to NOAA today’s pesticides do not build up in the tissues of animals to the extent that older compounds like DDT did. This is the bioaccumulation. Today the compounds used are toxic at veryShow MoreRelatedOcean Pollution And The Ocean1673 Words   |  7 Pagespredict the outcome of food and medicine resources from the ocean if plastic pollution is not prevented or minimized? We as humans, need food and most times medicine to survive and to be healthy. Some of the resources we need for food and medicine come from the ocean. What will hap pen to our resources if we cannot prevent or at least minimize plastic pollution in the ocean? This paper will be about what experts say about ocean pollution, and how we can prevent it. For the first part of this paperRead MoreThe Effects Of Ocean Pollution On The Ocean1204 Words   |  5 Pagesthink of the ocean as a place of peace, or a getaway from our busy lives. Others think of it as where two worlds, aquatic and terrestrial, collide. No matter what you think of the ocean, it has sustained us for as long as we could possibly remember, and provided us with life. The ocean has provided everything we need to survive, and to repay it, we decided to destroy it. We have become monsters, demolishing what matters to us most. Over the past few decades, the amount of ocean pollution has rapidlyRead MoreThe Pollution Of The Oceans1871 Words   |  8 PagesThe oceans face many types of pollution every day, every second. The ocean is our greatest ecosystem and out most valuable resource. A common misconception is that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet however, the majority of our oxygen is made via the algae in the sea. The oceans feeds, hydrates, and provides u s with oxygen; ironically enough, despite its monetary value to mankind, it is what is treated the worst. For ages we have been dumping our trash, chemicals, and waste into the oceansRead MoreOcean Pollution And Its Effects On The Ocean1348 Words   |  6 PagesOcean Pollution. Can you predict the outcome of food or medicine resources if ocean pollution is not prevented or minimized? Throughout this research paper the different categories of pollution will be explained more in depth. Also there will be ideas or things we can all do to minimize ocean pollution and stop causing so much stress to the ocean’s ecosystem. It will also specify the importance of minimizing pollution in the ocean and how much damage it can cause. The ocean s ecosystem is underRead MoreThe Effects Of Ocean Pollution On The Ocean1986 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: Oceans cover approximately 75% of Earth s surface and are vital to this planet and the people who inhabit it. Oceans provide food, natural resources, and recreation for nearly everyone in this world. Unfortunately Oceans have been receiving mass amount of pollutants including oil spills, toxic waste dumping, and industrial dumping. These pollutants will have negative impacts on the wildlife in the ocean, as we are seeing already with the Coral Reefs, and soon enough it will beginRead MoreEffects of Ocean Pollution568 Words   |  2 PagesOur oceans take a large beating every day by the extremely large amount of pollution humans produce. We easily dump our waste into the oceans to dispose of our problem, but this small and simple solution is creating an even bigger problem. The way humans dispose of their wastes is causing the death of our beloved marine life. Not only are we killing off our animals, our food source, and our resources, we are also minimizing our usable water. Pollution comes in many forms. In the ocean we dumpRead MoreOcean Pollution Essay1181 Words   |  5 Pages Everything in this world we use comes from the ocean in some way. The air we breathe, the water we drink, even the products we use day to day, would not be possible without the ocean. Thats why the issue of ocean pollution is so important and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. We depend on the ocean for so much in our life, without it we would surely become extinct. People seem to think that since the ocean is so large and vast, we can dump as much waste as wed like into it andRead MorePollution And Warming Of The Ocean1649 Words   |  7 PagesPollution and Warming of the Ocean The ocean is a vast and mysterious part of our ocean. The ocean covers 71 % of our planet and contains over 50% of all life on earth .(â€Å"Oceanic Institute†). The oceans also holds the deepest part of our planet that we have yet to explore and discover. The ocean is such a vital part of our planet and we are destroying it with pollution and mistakes that we have made. Global warming is a huge issue that we have to deal with. The world is getting warmer. WhetherRead MoreOil Pollution in the Oceans583 Words   |  2 Pagesoccurred. Since the industrial revolution, pollution has become a major problem in this world. Pollutants cause damage by interfering directly or indirectly with the biochemical processes of an organism. Some pollution-induced changes may be instantly lethal; other changes may weaken an organism over weeks or months, alter the dynamics of the population of which it is a part, or gradually unbalance the entire community. There are many forms of pollution, which include natural and man-made. Oil isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Ocean Of Pollution 849 Words   |  4 Pagesarticle â€Å"Ocean of pollution,† the author, Dahr Jamail, makes a strong case for that fact that human activities drive oceans pollution in a terrible situation. He begins by briefly outlining how quickly plastic pollution in the oceans has increased i n only few decades along with human behaviour. Dahr then continues on to describe the doubling â€Å"dead zones† appears unnaturally have impacts on sea life, even the food chain. The article concludes by stating the solution for the oceans pollution. Clearly

Friday, December 13, 2019

Case study Issues in alignment of organizational strategies Free Essays

Case study: Issues in alignment of organizational strategies and HER strategies Table of Contents Introduction Questions and answers Page# 3 A Shaky bridge (An uncertain plan) 4 Conclusions References 5 6 The advent of globalization has diversified the work force and increased its cultural differences in many companies across the globe. Publication of information on these trends has led to calls for effective management of diversity in organizations, and observers have advised that unless corporation start managing diversity, they will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage (Copeland 1988; Nelson 1988; Schmidt, 1988). Moreover, invoking what might be termed the â€Å"Value-in- diversity hypothesis,† some writers have stated that, when properly used, cultural diversity in the work forces bring value to the organization and ultimately improves their performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Case study: Issues in alignment of organizational strategies or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have emphasized that managing diversity is an economic issue as well as legal social concern. (Copeland, 1988; Cox Blake, 1991; Est., 1988; Soda Bailer, 1983) The case is about SAA pharmacy Limited, a Malaysian company started by Mr.. Uruguayan an Indo-Malaysian in 1991. The SAA Pharmacy limited worked on the alliance and merchandise with Stop and shop which is an existing apartment store in various cities in Malaysia in the earlier days. Mr.. Uruguayan strategically recruited HER from Australia, New Zealand, India, Philippines and Malaysia based on cost of employees and skills available. Employees from Australia and New Zealand are at strategic positions, Indians in second level of hierarchy, Philippines are appointed as pharmacist and branch managers, and finally Malaysian in equal positions of Philippines. The company provides salaries incentives etc. Based on hierarchy and national expatriate basis. Despite of modern HER techniques applied by the CEO, employees room different nationalities felt discriminated. So, a work force with diversified nationalities and a level of cultural differences resulting in issues is the case about. Questions and answers: 1) What is the misalignment among company strategies, HER strategies and cultural issues? A) Mr.. Uruguayan strategically employed people from various countries based on cost of employees and skills available from various countries. It is also mentioned in the case study that Mr.. Uruguayan adapts most modern techniques of Human resource management. When the employees feels like there is a discrimination on ultra and nationality, management should have the potential to bring out the best from the employees and end discrimination and be ethical. When the work is almost Company policy is to pay employees on their designation as mentioned in the case study, so according to the skill set and experience all the nationality employees should be given opportunity to take responsibility. This will also reduce the cost since employees from other nations can be replaced by local employees with same skill set and experience. 2) Can you identify any problem in sourcing the employees from different countries? A) The company provides salaries incentives etc. N hierarchy and national expatriate basis. This led to a feeling of discrimination among the employees from Malaysia and Philippines The employees of Malaysia, particularly pharmacists, feel that they r discriminated and paid less even though they do the same Job like the pharmacists from Philippines. On the other hand, Philippines have a strong feeling that they are also discriminated against Indian employees. They contribute the lions’ share of profit to the company as pharmacists. While all the other employees believe that salaries are not based on the nationality of the employees, but based on the significance of duties. Mr.. Arranging despite of the modern HER techniques that he uses, couldn’t have this problem solved. 3) What would be the possible measure to solve the problem of the company? A) The following measures can be taken to solve the problem: Mr.. Arranging should make the employees understand that all the departments and functions of the organization are equally important. SSP should hire more local employees with required skill sets in better designations. Care should be taken regarding employee motivation with some awards and rewards for the employees with best performances. Promotions and hikes should be considered with respect to the experience of the employees. Shaky bridge: Mr.. Arranging started the company in 1991 implies that he has very good experience in recruiting human resource. There is no need for him to cross any shaky bridges and can handle the alignment issue in the work force. Motivating the employees to be more focused on their Job is an option but the fact remains the same that cultural differences will exists. Moreover, increasing incentives, hikes in salaries etc will increase the cost for the company. Considering the ability of MR.. Arranging to recruit, SAA pharmacy can play a gamble with the employees which might work in their favor to solve the issue. Case study mentions that the employees are concerned about the differences in their nationality and salaries of other employees. This is a clear indication that the employees are not completely focused. Every employee should work under common interest of the organization. Salary differences should not be a problem for the employees as they have to understand it increases the attractiveness of the company to recruit globally. So, from he given situation, the following questions arise: 1) Is SAA Pharmacy limited paying to international employees more when they can have local employees with same skill set for a lower expense? 2) Promotions, hikes etc. Used for next quarter? 3) Can SAA Pharmacy take an advantage of the differences in the work force? In the work force, Mr.. Arranging will have employees that are creating the issue and employees that get influences by such employees. Depending on the performance of the employees Mr.. Arranging can lay off a few employees and increase the responsibilities of the other employees. This will make the employees more focused on their Jobs and stop poking their noses in other employees’ affairs. Employees complaining that the company is not reaching their expectation, the company can turn the tables by increasing the expectations on the employees. As Mr.. Arranging has good communication with the employees he can clearly mention this an opportunity to prove their skills and worth to get more benefits. If possible, company can mix and match the responsibilities of the employees and can conduct training programs to improve the skill set. Training programs for the employees to handle different responsibilities will not only improve the skill set of the employees but as he employees get to know the other employees Job, they will understand that lions and deer are equally important in a food chain. Applying this change can be a success or a failure depending on the skill of Mr.. Arranging and the level of commitment and efforts of the employees. Mr.. Arranging should lead them with an example by increasing his interaction with the employees and show that he is working as hard as all the other employees are. If the change is a success and the employees manage to reach the expectations then the company can give the promised benefits which can be compensated by other international employees as he company has local employees with the skill set and no longer need services of the international employees. If the change applied is a failure, at the very first alarm, Mr.. Arranging should line up employees to balance the work force. In this case, it will be practically proven that the employees are not as worthy as they claim to be. Getting back the former employees will also increase the good will of the company. This is an unguarded change that can solve the issue and the company can choose not to take the risk. But crossing a shaking bridge is always uncertain and its completely Mr.. Remonstrant’s call since a person don’t know what lies ahead of the bridge. Conclusion: In the workplace, and from a business perspective, having a diverse workforce is no longer a question. The world is interconnected and due to the huge advances in international travel and communication, people easily move and work across borders. Humans and the potential they possess drive an organization. The advantages of a diversified work force like Innovation, talent pools etc will be effective when issues like conflicts, disunity, bureaucracy etc are handle effectively. This can be assured by considering the following points: 1 . Recognize welcome cultural differences 2. Adapt to new hires instead of enforcing the traditional corporate culture on them 3. Communicate and understand differences 4. Be attentive to verbal and nonverbal cues that might indicate or create tension 5. And customers gained or lost. We should always question and test the purpose of things and see if indeed the diversity policy or programmer is creating the results that is expected. Perhaps the diversity initiative is compromising the business performance. That doesn’t mean to scrap diversity altogether but it might mean to go back to the drawing board and re-think the approach. References: Copeland, L. 1988. Valuing diversity: Making the most of cultural differences at the workplace. How to cite Case study: Issues in alignment of organizational strategies, Free Case study samples